How do we ensure that children make good or better progress in reading at St Erme with Trispen?
At St Erme with Trispen, has many systems in place to ensure that all our pupils make good or better progress in Reading. There are many ways in which we do this:
1) How do we track progress?
• All pupils complete a baseline assessment on entry to reception class.
• Using the Read, Write Inc. (RWI) programme phonics is delivered daily and assessed informally as well as formally each half term.
• RWI Lead is readily available to support with the assessment process if needed.
• RWI progress continues to be tracked into KS2 for those children who need phonics support. These children will then experience a reading session which continues to support their acquisition and application of sounds but combines it with the opportunity to access the comprehension skills and higher order vocabulary linked to higher level texts.
• PIRA Standardised Summative assessments are completed 3 x per year. YR-6, giving a reading age, identifying achievement and analysing gaps.
• Accelerated Reader Star Testing half termly also provides reading ages.
• Pupil Performance meetings held termly.
2) What are our progress expectations?
• We expect all our reception children to have learnt all set 1 sounds, be able to blend and ready to begin the ditty phase by the end of the Autumn term.
• We track reading progress using PIRA and Accelerated Reader, ensuring pupils not on RWI make significant progress as measured by end of term PIRA tests.
• Progress in YR is assessed using the EYFS framework. Pupils are expected to achieve ELG by the end of the summer term, making age appropriate progress throughout the year linked to progress in RWI.
3) How do we support those who are not making expected progress?
• Children in EYFS/KS1 who are not making expected progress are quickly identified and afternoon additional RWI support is provided and delivered by fully trained adults using RWI resources such as Fast Track Tutoring.
• Phonics continues to be a focus throughout the whole school. Children identified with gaps in their phonic knowledge receive RWI daily sessions. This intervention is supported and monitored by the English lead.
• Teachers identify their lowest 20% of readers each term within each year group - split year groups are identified at teacher moderation meetings.
• All teachers are required to provide a reading support programme for their identified lowest 20% of readers, which is to be reviewed termly and discussed in Pupil Progress meetings.
• Children who are identified as not reading regularly at home are monitored on a weekly basis and additional reading support is provided and contact made with parents to offer support where needed.
• The English lead has classroom-release time to investigate data and track progress. Updates and summaries are then shared with staff.
• The school SENDCo tracks SEND children. They collect in PIRA test scores and uses these to assess progress, alongside regular classroom visits and pupil conferencing.