At St Erme with Trispen, we understand that it is vital to give all adults regular, high-quality opportunities for INSET in order for all staff to be Reading Experts.
• All phonics teachers have up to date training on RWI from the 2 day.
• From Summer 2022, a half-termly 20 minute staff meeting to focus on aspects of RWI has been introduced to help build consistency and drive high-quality teaching. The English Lead also provides coaching and support to reading teachers.
• Staff meetings delivered by the English Lead, focussing on Early Reading skills and VIPERS skills lessons.
• Teaching staff, including Teaching Assistants receive reading and phonics training as and when required. This may be a specific focus on the SDP or a personal target identified in performance management or specific training identified by staff. This may include in-house training or external training depending on the needs of the staff.
• The Headteacher, Deputy Head Teacher and English Lead monitor phonics and whole class reading lessons across the school. They conduct pupil conferencing to ensure agreed approaches and consistency are applied across the school.
• The English Lead monitors reading and offers guidance to staff with follow up actions.
• Lesson Visits and Learning Walks by the school SENDco, observing those pupils who struggle with reading and giving feedback to the adults involved with them.
• Communication of new strategies and ideas is regularly shared by the Reading Lead.
• Newly and Recently Qualified teachers have regular opportunities to observe and learn from other teachers.
• Monitoring of Reading Skills via book looks is conducted by the English Lead. Feedback is shared to teachers.
• Other training opportunities are signposted and available to all teachers, if necessary.
• Support is given by the English Lead with planning lessons.
• English Lead attends annual subject leadership training and termly updates with Dandelion Learning Literacy Consultancy.