How well do we check that pupils’ reading books match their ability at St Erme with Trispen?
At St Erme with Trispen, we understand the importance of pupils reading books that are carefully matched to their reading ability. We have taken the following steps, in order to ensure that all our pupils are reading a suitable text…
• We teach reading using the Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) phonics programme and have invested in book bag books which are matched to the children’s individual reading ability.
• In Reception, their RWI book is their primary home reading book, which is selected by a fully training adult each week.
• Children in KS1 continue to have RWI books bag books as their primary reading book in line with their reading development on the RWI programme. Additionally, KS1 children are able to take home reading for pleasure books which the children can choose. These books are from a banded system and may contain sounds that have not yet been taught. It has been communicated to parents that children may need support with these books and each book is clearly labelled to remind parents of this.
• As children complete the RWI programme, they will be assessed for Accelerated Reader (AR). AR is an online reading programme which fosters motivation, engagement, and a love for reading by matching students with reading suggestions aligned to their interests and at the right level of challenge. All of our library stock is aligned to AR and we also have access to a wealth of online books using the MyOn reading facility
• Children have the facility to independently change their books on a daily basis, if they quiz successfully.
• Those children who are identified as requiring additional phonics support in KS2 will continue to have RWI book bag books as their primary home reading book. These books will be matched to their ability once per week and selected by a trained adult.
• All children have home/school diaries which are checked in school. It is expected that all children read at home every school day.
• Parents are provided with support to engage with their children’s reading through the school website, instructional videos, reading meetings and individual consultation with teachers if needed.
• A comprehensive progression of Home Reading books is available for parents on the school website so they can also track children’s progress and be aware of their next steps with home reading. Teachers use a variety of assessment tools in order to check that reading books match well.
• Teachers use a variety of assessment tools in order to check that reading books match well: continual RWI assessment, AR Star testing, PIRA tests each term.
• Regular 1-1 reading with children and listening to children in daily VIPERS lessons. Teachers listen to children read in their class across a minimum of every two weeks.
• Parents are encouraged to read at home and comment in the Reading Record.